Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mary Kay Ladies

Is it just me or is everything I've done in the last two months PINK!  I am looking forward to the fall if not for temperatures cooler than the surface of the sun but hopefully a change in color scheme!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Flamingo Party!

We are still holding onto summer here in Texas!  30 flamingos for a pool party this weekend!

I wish dry icing stayed as shiny as wet icing!

I was mixing the pinks and thinking how much I loved the coral color... 
And then I realized I matched my icing.

Ready for bags

Happy Birthday Zoe!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Minnie Again

Sweet Hadley Elizabeth turned one this weekend and we were so happy to celebrate with her- and bring her Minnie cookies for all her guests!

Icing color matching

Layout paper showing what consistencies/colors of icing I need
Said icings
Dr Pepper
Pandora on my phone so I can tune out Disney Jr while I work